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José DAOUDAL was born in 1954 and became a landscape painter, starting with oil painting at the age of 20.

It was in his Finistère that he had his first contacts with painting from his childhood in the studio of the painter RAVALLEC where he came on Friday market day to breathe the scent of turpentine while watching the master at work behind his easel.

Later, as a teenager, he discovered in Pont Aven the landscape painters SAVIGNY, COULIOU and many others who motivated him to work  otdoor.

During one of his first exhibitions, he met the painter TOFFOLI who encouraged and advised him.

After having practiced in oil and watercolor, it is the revelation of pastel by discovering during an exhibition, the magnificent work of the painter and sculptor Jacques COQUILLAY; it is then decided, he will be himself a pastel artist.


His first pleinair paintings confirmed his attraction to this technique, which allowed him to quickly catch the fleetingness of light. For several years, he pastellized the lights of Brittany and settled in 2003 in the Rhuys peninsula where he painted, his easel planted in the countryside whatever the season.


He then meets the master Pastellist CHRIS with whom he works on still life and benefits from his advice.

His exhibitions were successful  and he won numerous regional and national awards. His pastels are now hung by numerous French and foreign collectors.

In October 2019 during a report for the  Pratique des Arts magazine, (n ° 149), he started again  pleinair  oilpainting with his painter friend Xavier Kosmalki after a twenty years hiatus .

José DAOUDAL participates in many exhibitions and exhibits permanently in several galleries:

Sarzeau, Quiberon, Vannes, Laval and in his studio in Penvins.

José DAOUDAL is a GRECI MARINO Academician in the Arts section , Associate of the TAYLOR FOUNDATION and  French Pastel  Society member.




.2006. Laval Crédit Mutuel

.2008. Laval Art Cadres gallery

.2009. Craon Maison Bleue  gallery

.2009. Lévaré Castle

.2010. Le Mans.Credit Mutuel

.2010. Laval Art Cadres gallery

. 2011. Laval Fiteco

. 2011. Chamalières : Guest of honor

.2012. Saint Berthevin town hall: Guest of honor

.2012. Nantes Atelier Reminiscence: Guest of honor

.2014. Laval Salon du Renouveau : Guest of honor

.2015. Piriac sur mer. Art dans les chapelles

.2016. Laval.Musée Ecole de la Perrine

.2017. Mesquer, European Merit exhibition: Guest of honor

.2018. Etel. Musée des Thoniers

.2018. Batz sur Mer.Art dans les chapelles

.2018. Vannes.Palais des Arts :Lions Club Guest

2019. Saint Gildas de Rhuys.Espace Kerusen

2019. Laval.Musée Ecole de la Perrine

2020. Montsurs.Majestic Gallery




.Regional art exhibition Ernee (53500)

.Saint Pierre lès Nemours  Art Exhibition(77140)

.Saint Florent sur Cher  art Exhibition(18400)

.Maine Artists Fair. Gorron (53120)

.Group Painters Exhibition. Guidel (56520)

.Artistes de Rhuys Exhibition. Arzon (56640)

.Surzur annual Exhibition (56450)

.Salon du Pastel en Breagne.Fougeres (35300)

.French International Pastel Society's Exhibition. Feytiat (87220)

.ARFI artists Exhibition. Mayenne (53100)

.Couleurs de Bratagne regional final. Chateaubriant (44140)

.French International Pastel Society's Exhibition. Charenton le pont (94220)

.Regional Art Exhibition.Saumur  (49400)

.Salon des Arts .Le Mans (72000)

.Meduanart Lions club. Mayenne (53100)

.Pastel Show. Saint Pol de Léon (29250)

.Salon du Bocage.Flers (61100)

Salon des Arts. Meslay du Maine (53170)

.Interregional painting prize..Vitré(35500)

.Salon d'Art Dréanais. Saint André des eaux (44117)

.Salon Painting and Realities. Chartres (28000)

.House heritage exhibition. Messe (44420)

.Contemporary Artists Fair. Saint Lyphard (44410)

.Salon des Arts.Naintré (86530)

.Val d'Anglin Exhibition. Belabre (36370)

.Friends of the Arts Exhibition. Chaville (92370)

. Couleurs de Bretagne regional final. Chateaugiron (35410)

. Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture. Gometz le Chatel. 91940

.AP2A.Le Pouliguen (44510)

.Tinchebray biennial (61800).

.Yvelines  Pastel Exhibition.Le Chesnay (78150)

.Pastel en Périgord Exhibition. Saint Aulaye (24410)

.Festival du Menez-Hom.Plomodiern (29550)

. Loire Valley Pastel Exhibition. Lye (36600)

.French International Pastel Society's Exhibition. Saint Florent le Viel (49410)

.Autumn Salon.Carquefou. (44470)

.French International Pastel Society's Exhibition.Tournus (71700)

.Sablé Art Exhibition.Sablé su Sarthe (72300)

.Biennial of Val André (22370)

.Accalmie Exhibition.Loguivy de la Mer (22620)



2017. MESQUER.Public Award

2016. ARZON. Couleurs de Bretane. First Morisot Award

2016. LE ROC SAINT ANDRE.Couleurs de Bretagne. First Morisot Award

2016. ILE AUX MOINES.Couleurs de Bretane.Sennelier Award

2015. ARZON.Couleurs de Bretane.Sennelier  Award

2015. CONCORET.Couleurs de Bretagne.Géant des beaux arts Arts Award

2015. LA ROCHE BERNARD. Couleurs de Bretane First Morisot Award

2015. MALESTROIT.Couleurs de Bretagne.Giéant des beaux  Arts Award

2015. ARRADON. Couleurs de Bretane. First Morisot Award

2014. FOUGERES. SALON du PASTEL  en BRETAGNE. Pastel Girault Award

2013. VANNES. Couleurs de Bretane: First  Sérusier Award

2013. BADEN Regional Final Couleurs de Bretane. Géant des beaux arts  Award

2013. ILE AUX MOINES. Couleurs de Bretane: First  Sérusier Award

2013. GUEMENE SUR SCORFF. Couleurs de Bretane, First Sérusier Award

2013. LARMOR BADEN. Couleurs de Bretane: First Sérusier Award

2012. LE FAOUET. Couleurs de Bretane. First Sérusier Award

2012. SAINT PIERRE QUIBERON. Couleurs de Bretane. First Sérusier Award

2012. BADEN.Couleurs de Bretagne.First Sérusier Award

2012. ILE AUX MOINES. Couleurs de Bretane. First Sérusier Award

2011. SAINT PIERRE LES NEMOURS, 7th ART  BIENNIAL. First prize of PASTEL medal of the senate

2011. SAINT AULAYE. Acquisition by the Musée du Pastel of the Pastel Grande marée

2011. SAINT FLORENT SUR CHER. Lions Clubagne Prize. Sennelier Award

2011. HEDE.Couleurs de Bretagne.Giéant des beaux Arts Award

2011. PLOUER SUR RANCE.Couleurs de Bretagne.First Sérusier Award

2011. SAINT PIERRE QUIBERON. Couleurs de Bretane, First Sérusier Award

2011. ELVEN. Couleurs de Bretane. First Sérusier Award

2011. VALVES. Couleurs de Bretane, First Sérusier Award

2011. PIRIAC SUR MER. Couleurs de Bretagne. First Sérusier Award

2011. LA ROCHE BERNARD. Couleurs de Bretane, First Sérusier Award


2010. FOUGERES Salon du PASTEL en BRETAGNE : Grand Price

2010. ST FLORENT SUR CHER. Second Pastel Prize

2009. MESLAY du MAINE - Giéant des beaux Arts Award

2009. ROCHEFORT en TERRE - First price pastel Couleurs de Bretagne

2009. ILE aux MOINES - First price pastel Couleurs de Bretagne

2009. BECHEREL - Couleurs de Bretane jury prize

2009. CHATEAUGIRON-Regional finalist Couleurs de Bretagne

2008. VITRE-Jury Prize

2008. CHANGE-ART CAMBE-Prize for creation
2008. GORRON - Special Jury Prize

2007. BADEN-First price pastel Couleurs de Bretagne

2007. CHATEAUBRIAND-Regional finalist Couleurs de Bretagne

2007. PARIS-International Pastel Fair

2007. SAUMUR-Bronze medal

2006. GORRON-First prize in pastel

2006.SAINT FLORENT SUR CHER-second prize in pastel

2004.MAYENNE-Credit Mutuel-Public Prize


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